------------------------------------------------------------------- Documentation of REMO5.6 codes ------------------------------------------------------------------- type: c = wind component on Arakawa C-grid i = internal model variable, m = mean over output interval s = sum over output interval x = windcomponents -> derived wind vector in rotated coordinates y = windcomponents -> derived wind vector in real coordinates * = sometimes in the input of the REMO-preprocessor # = not free levels: nl=number of modellevels ------------------------------------------------------------------------ code|levels|internal| type | variable | | name | | | | | | 112 1 QDB specific humidity surface [kg/kg] 84 1 QDBL specific humidity surface (land) [kg/kg] 85 1 QDBW specific humidity surface (water) [kg/kg] 86 1 QDBI specific humidity surface (ice) [kg/kg] 129 1 FIB surface geopotential (orography) [m] 130 nl T temperature [K] 131 nl U c u-velocity [m/s] 132 nl V c v-velocity [m/s] 133 nl QD specific humidity [kg/kg] 134 1 PS Surface pressure [Pa] 135 nl VERVEL Vertical velocity [Pa/s] 136 # 137 # 138 # 139 1 TS surface temperature [K] (mean over gridbox) 54 1 TSL surface temperature (land) [K] 55 1 TSW surface temperature (water) [K] 56 1 TSI surface temperature (ice) [K] 140 1 WS soil wetness [m] 141 1 SN snow depth [m] 142 1 APRL s large scale precipitation [mm] 143 1 APRC s convective precipitation [mm] 144 1 APRS s snow fall [mm] 145 1 VDIS m boundary layer dissipation [W/m**2] 456 1 BFLHS m surface sensible heat flux [W/m**2] (=146) 87 1 BFLHSL m surface sensible heat flux (land) [W/m**2] (= 69) 88 1 BFLHSW m surface sensible heat flux (water) [W/m**2] (= 70) 89 1 BFLHSI m surface sensible heat flux (ice) [W/m**2] (= 71) 146 1 AHFS m surface sensible heat flux [W/m**2] 69 1 AHFSL m surface sensible heat flux (land) [W/m**2] 70 1 AHFSW m surface sensible heat flux (water) [W/m**2] 71 1 AHFSI m surface sensible heat flux (ice) [W/m**2] 457 1 BFLQDS m surface latent heat flux [W/m**2] (=147) 90 1 BFLQDSL m surface latent heat flux (land) [W/m**2] (= 66) 91 1 BFLQDSW m surface latent heat flux (water) [W/m**2] (= 67) 92 1 BFLQDSI m surface latent heat flux (ice) [W/m**2] (= 68) 147 1 AHFL m surface latent heat flux [W/m**2] 66 1 AHFLL m surface latent heat flux (land) [W/m**2] 67 1 AHFLW m surface latent heat flux (water) [W/m**2] 68 1 AHFLI m surface latent heat flux (ice) [W/m**2] 148 # 149 # 150 # 151 1 PSRED mean sea level pressure [Pa] 152 # 153 nl QW liquid water content [kg/kg] 154 # 155 # 156 nl FI geopotential height [m] 157 # 158 # 159 1 USTAR3 m ustar**3 [m**3/s**3] 160 1 RUNOFF s surface runoff [mm] 53 1 DRAIN s drainage [mm] (part of 160) 161 # 162 nl ACLC cloud cover [fract.] (see also 223) 163 1 ACLCV total cloud cover [fract.] (see also 164) 164 1 ACLCOV m total cloud cover [fract.] 165 1 U10 m x 10m u-velocity [m/s] 166 1 V10 m x 10m v-velocity [m/s] 167 1 TEMP2 m 2m temperature [K] 168 1 DEW2 m 2m dew point temperature [K] 169 1 TSURF m surface temperature (land)[K] (see also 54) 170 1 TD deep soil temperature [K] 171 1 WIND10 m 10m windspeed [m/s] 172 1 BLA land sea mask [fract.] 173 1 AZ0 surface roughness length [m] 72 1 AZ0L surface roughness length (land) [m] 73 1 AZ0W surface roughness length (water) [m] 74 1 AZ0I surface roughness length (ice) [m] 174 1 ALB surface background albedo [fract.] 175 1 ALBEDO surface albedo [fract.] 75 1 ALSOL surface albedo (land) [fract.] 76 1 ALSOW surface albedo (water) [fract.] 77 1 ALSOI surface albedo (ice) [fract.] 176 1 SRADS m net surface solar radiation [W/m**2] 177 1 TRADS m net surface thermal radiation [W/m**2] 178 1 SRAD0 m net top solar radiation [W/m**2] 179 1 TRAD0 m top thermal radiation (OLR) [W/m**2] 180 1 USTR m surface u-stress [Pa] 57 1 USTRL m surface u-stress (land) [Pa] 58 1 USTRW m surface u-stress (water) [Pa] 59 1 USTRI m surface u-stress (ice) [Pa] 181 1 VSTR m surface v-stress [Pa] 60 1 VSTRL m surface v-stress (land) [Pa] 61 1 VSTRW m surface v-stress (water) [Pa] 62 1 VSTRI m surface v-stress (ice) [Pa] 182 1 EVAP s surface evaporation [mm] 63 1 EVAPL s surface evaporation (land) [mm] 64 1 EVAPW s surface evaporation (water) [mm] 65 1 EVAPI s surface evaporation (ice) [mm] 183 1 TDCL soil temperature [K] (see description below) 184 # 185 1 SRAFS m net surf. solar radiation (clear sky) [W/m**2] 186 1 TRAFS m net surf. thermal radiation (clear sky) [W/m**2] 187 1 SRAF0 m net top solar radiation (clear sky) [W/m**2] 188 1 TRAF0 m net top thermal radiation (clear sky) [W/m**2] 189 1 SCLFS m surface solar cloud forcing [W/m**2] 190 1 TCLFS m surface thermal cloud forcing [W/m**2] 191 1 SCLF0 m top solar cloud forcing [W/m**2] 192 1 TCLF0 m top thermal cloud forcing [W/m**2] Note: codes 185, 187, 189 and 191 are only compiled if LECSOL=T; LECSOL=LSOLC in radiation scheme; the default is LECSOL=F 193 # 194 1 WL skin reservoir content [m] 195 1 USTRGW m u-gravity wave stress [Pa] 196 1 VSTRGW m v-gravity wave stress [Pa] 197 1 VDISGW m gravity wave dissipation [W/m**2] 198 1 VGRAT vegetation ratio 199 1 VAROR orographic variance (for surface runoff) 200 1 VLT leaf area index 201 1 T2MAX maximum 2m-temperature [K] 202 1 T2MIN minimum 2m-temperature [K] 203 1 SRAD0U m top solar radiation upward [W/m**2] 204 1 SRADSU m surface solar radiation upward [W/m**2] 205 1 TRADSU m surface thermal radiation upward [W/m**2] 206 1 TSN snow temperature [K] (see description below) 207 1 TD3 soil temperature [K] " 208 1 TD4 " [K] " 209 1 TD5 " [K] " 210 1 SEAICE sea ice cover [fract.] 211 1 SICED sea ice depth [m] 212 1 FOREST vegetation type 213 1 TEFF (effective) sea-ice skin temperature [K] 214 1 TSMAX maximum surface temperature [K] 215 1 TSMIN minimum surface temperature [K] 216 1 WIMAX maximum 10m-wind speed [m/s] 217 1 TOPMAX maximum height of convective cloud tops [Pa] 218 1 SNMEL s snow melt [mm] 219 # 220 1 TSLIN m land: residual surface heat budget [W/m**2] sea-ice: conductive heat flux [W/m**2] 93 1 AHFICE m sea-ice: conductive heat [W/m] 94 1 QRES m residual heat flux for melting sea ice [W/m**2] 221 1 DSNAC s snow depth change [mm] 222 1 EMTER i 49 1 TRSOL i 51 1 EMTEF i 52 1 TRSOF i 223 nl ACLCAC m cloud cover [fract.] 224 nl TKE turbulent kinetic energy 225 # 226 1 FAO FAO data set (soil data flags) [0...6.] 227 1 RGCGN heat capacity of soil 228 # 229 1 WSMX field capacity of soil 230 1 QVI m vertically integrated specific humidity [kg/m**2] 231 1 ALWCVI m vertically integrated liquid water cont. [kg/m**2] 232 1 GLAC glacier mask [0.: no, 1.: yes] 233 # 96 1 QDBOXS m horizontal transport of water vapour [kg/m**2] 97 1 QWBOXS m horizontal transport of cloud water [kg/m**2] 98 1 EKBOXS m horizontal transport of kinetic energy [(3600*J)/m**2] 99 1 FHBOXS m horizontal transport of sensible heat [(3600*J)/m**2] 100 1 FIBOXS m horizontal transport of potential energy [(3600*J)/m**2] 101 1 TLAMBDA heat conductivity of dry soil [W/(K*m)] 102 # 103 1 DLAMBDA parameter for increasing the heat conductivity of the soil due to soil moisture (TLAMBDA+DLAMBDA gives the heat conductivity of saturated soil) 104 1 PORVOL pore volume 105 1 FCAP field capacity of soil 106 1 WI3 fraction of frozen soil (layers analogous soil temp.) 107 1 WI4 " 108 1 WI5 " 109 1 WI " 110 1 WICL " 614 1 PHI latitude in real coordinates [deg. N] 253 1 PHI * latitude in real coordinates [deg. N] 615 1 RLA longitude in real coordinates [deg. E] 254 1 RLA * longitude in real coordinates [deg. E] 458 1 WBT m wet bulb temperature [C] (not a model variable) 461 1 TMCM turbulent transfer coefficient of momentum at the surface [?] 462 1 TMCH turbulent transfer coefficient of heat at the surface [?] 81 1 TMCHL i turbulent transfer coefficient of heat at the surface (land) [?] 82 1 TMCHW i turbulent transfer coefficient of heat at the surface (water) [?] 83 1 TMCHI i turbulent transfer coefficient of heat at the surface (ice) [?] 14 nl-1 FTKVM turbulent transfer coefficient of momentum in the atmosphere [?] 15 nl-1 FTKVH turbulent transfer coefficient of heat in the atmosphere [?] 95 1 SRFL i 264 1 Kevin 265 1 U10ER m y 10m u-velocity [m/s] 266 1 V10ER m y 10m v-velocity [m/s] 271 1 GHPBL height of the planetary boudary layer [gpm] 272 1 BETA i 273 1 WMINLOK i 274 1 WMAXLOK i 275 1 VBM10M maximum of the expected gust velocity near the surface [m/s] 276 1 CAPE m convective available potential energy [J ?] 277-286 Holger 287-290 Christopher Stefan 1 1 WS1 2 1 WS2 3 1 WS3 4 1 WS4 5 1 WS5 6 1 DZR 7 1 DZS 8 1 FKSAT 9 1 FMPOT 10 1 BCLAPP 11 1 VPOR 12 1 ETRANS 13 1 EBSOIL 301 1 ESNOW 302 1 ESKIN 303 1 ERES 251 1 Kevin Sieck 334 nl QI cloud ice [kg/kg] 336 1 QIVI vertically integrated cloud ice [kg/m**2] 337 1 QIBOXS horizontal transport of cloud ice [kg/m**2] 340-366 Diana Svens Gletschervariablen: 16 TGLAC1 17 TGLAC2 18 GLD 19 GLRUN 20 GLDRAIN 21 GLACIER 22 TD3G 23 TD4G 24 TD5G 25 TDG 26 TDCLG 27 WI3G 28 WI4G 29 WI5G 30 WIG 31 WICLG 32 GLACCI 33 GLABLI 34 GLACCS 35 GLABLS 36 GLVOL 37 SRADSGI 38 SRADSGO 111 TSGECH 113 AZ0G 114 TMCHG 115 AHFSG 116 BFLHSG 117 BFLQDSG 118 EVAPG 119 QDBG 120 USTRG 121 VSTRG 122 ALSOG 123 SNG 124 TSNG 125 SNAGEL 126 SNAGEG 127 SNMDL 128 SNMDG 252 SNMELG Attention: Over land ice (SN > 9.5 m or GLAC=1) the snow melt is not calculated i.e. the snow will gradually accumulate. In long term integrations with coupled models a suitable ice flow to the ocean (glacier calving) will have to be introduced for maintaining the water budget. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description of soil temperatures: |---------|------------------------------------ | TSL/W/I | surface temperature (=interface to atmosphere) |---------|------------------------------------ | TSN | snow temperature |---------|------------------------------------ | TD3 | |---------| | TD4 | |---------| soil temperatures | TD5 | |---------| | TD | |---------| | TDCL | |---------|------------------------------------- Note: The surface temperatures TSL/W/I are always the interface temperature to atmosphere even in snow covered areas! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------