


Last update 29.07.11

the python script 'velocity' is finished.
Here's how to use it:

./ infile.txt

where 'infile.txt' is the input file with the following format:

50.0 test_multi_step1.dat
45.0 test_multi_step2.dat
22.5 test_multi_step3.dat
20.0 test_multi_step4.dat
7.8 test_multi_step5.dat
0.0 test_multi_step6.dat

First line: depth in y dimension in km
Second line: number of nodes in y dimension
Rest of file:
time in the past in Myrs, file name of 2D Move file

The output files contain all the 3d information needed for Pecube.

Please let me know if you have questions or doesn't work for you.

As a next step I'll start with changing Pecube.