This is a short How To for converting DEMs to Pecube-readable topography input files using ConvertArc (a.k.a. Willi's program)

Digital Elevation Models can be retrieved form various sources, for this example we use a Southern Alaska Coastal Relief Model.

1. Download Digital Elevation Model 
( -> Download Gridded Data -> Georeferenced TIFF)

2. Open in ArcMap

3. Select desired Area in DEM and create a new, smaller DEM using the Clip Function (Data Management Tools -> Raster -> 
Raster Processing-> Clip)

4. Convert the new DEM to ASCII format (Conversion Tools -> From Raster -> Raster to ASCII)

5. Open ConvertArc and load the ASCII DEM file

6. Define ROIs by dawing boxes (Edit -> Select ROI) - if resolution and area are already chosen as desired, use only one ROI and set step to 1

7. File -> Export Pecube. This will write the input file and a header file, which incudes the necessary data for Input 6 and 7 in

Note: The Python version currently installed on the Macs in the seminar room does not work with convertArc, but agassiz has a newer version. X-tunnel can be used to run convertArc remotely (Open Terminal, type "ssh -X -p6307", change to convertArc-directory (for example "cd /data/esd04/username/convertArc) and run convertArc by typing "./")