** High Asia Refined analysis HAR (HAR30) **

location: /esd/esd/data/atmospheric_data/gridded/regional/HAR/HAR30

Here you find general information about the dataset, variable abbreviations, information about the download onto the ESD servers (source, which variables are downloaded and when) and the official documentation.







Format     :  netCDF4 
Range      :  2000-2011
Resolution :  30km (also available for 10km: HAR10)
Domain     :  South Central Asia, ca. 25N-40N, 75E-100E (200x200 WRF model grid boxes)

Variable abbreviations

2D (monolevel) variables:
et      -  evapotranspiration (step-wise) (mm h-1) 
grdflux -  ground heat flux (w m-2)
hfx     -  upward heat flux at surface (w m-2) 
lh      -  latent heat flux at surface (w m-2)
potevap -  potential evaporation (step-wise) (w m-2)
prcp    -  totap precipitation (stepwise) (mm h-1)
psfc    -  sfc pressure (Pa)
slp     -  sea level pressure (hPa)
sst     -  sea surface temperature (K)
t2      -  temperature at 2m (K)
u10     -  u wind at 10m (m s-1)
v10     -  v wind at 10m (m s-1)
ws10    -  10m wind speed (m s-1)

3D (pressure level) variables:
geopotential -  full model geopotential on mass points (m2 s-2)
qliquid      -  liquid water mixing ratio (kg kg-1)
qsolid       -  solid water mixing ratio (kg kg-1)
qvapor       -  water vapour mixing ratio (kg kg-1)
u            -  u wind component (m s-1)
v            -  v wind component (m s-1)
w            -  omega wind component (m s-1)
ws           -  horizontal wind speed on mass grid points (m s-1)


Source    :  ftp://www.klima-ds.tu-berlin.de/
Date      :  23.04.2014
Variables :  mentioned above (for more, see the HAR documentation or website) 

Official Documentation

HAR user guide:






General questions about this particular archive:
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